Codfish Muffins
How about Codfish Muffins for your snack? A simple, quick and healthy recipe, with the best protein, the codfish. Ready to taste good!
1 Riberalves cod loin
1 bay leaf
1 chopped tomato
q.b. Chopped parsley
1 tablespoon of oil
1 tablespoon of cornmeal
1 chopped garlic clove
1/2 chopped onion
q.b. Hemp seeds
How about Codfish Muffins for your snack? A simple, quick and healthy recipe, with the best protein, the codfish. Ready to taste good!
Defrost the codfish fillet, remove the skin and bones and flake it.
In a pan, pour the olive oil, bay leaf, onion, garlic and as soon as the onion becomes translucent, always over a low heat, add the tomato and codfish. Let it cook until all the liquid has evaporated and then let it cool down.
Set the oven at 180 degrees. Lightly beat the eggs involving the chopped parsley and cornmeal.
Distribute the codfish Muffins in silicone moulds, pour the egg mixture on top, sprinkle with the seeds and bake in the oven for about half an hour (or until cooked).