
Ver Carrinho

Codfish Crepes with white sauce


To prepare delicious codfish crepe with white sauce, see here the complete recipe with Riberalves Codfish! Ready to taste good.


for the crepes
1 boiled carrot
2 eggs
6 c. oat or spelled flour soup
150ml sugar-free oat drink
1 c. turmeric tea (curcuma)
2 c. extra virgin olive oil soup
black pepper to taste

for the white sauce
1 cup unsalted unsalted unsalted cashews
1 ½ cup of water
½ lemon squeezed
black pepper to taste
1 strand of olive oil

For the filling
1 ready-to-cook cod loin Riberalves
1 red onion
1-2 c. extra virgin olive oil soup
1 c. hydrated goji berry soup
chopped coriander to taste


To prepare delicious codfish crepes with white sauce, follow the recipe below and bon appétit! For the crepes:

In a bowl place the eggs and beat well.

Add the crushed or pureed carrot, the flour, the saffron and a pinch of black pepper. Mix together. Add the vegetable drink and stir until you have a homogeneous mixture, add the olive oil, stir and set aside.

Put the olive oil in a frying pan. With the help of a paper towel, remove the excess and once hot add the dough, making small crepes of about 15 cm in diameter. Turn and brown on both sides.

Repeat the process with the rest of the mixture.

For the white sauce:

Leave the cashews covered with water for about 4 hours (you can do it the day before and leave the cashews soaking overnight).

Discard the water, wash the cashews and place in the blender or food processor.

Add 1 cup of water and blend with a few drops of lemon and season with olive oil and pepper to taste.

For the filling:

Cook the codfish in water for about 5 minutes with a clove of garlic and a bay leaf for flavour.

Remove from the water, allow to cool and shred into slivers, removing the bones. Set aside.

Separately, in a frying pan place the olive oil and the sliced onion. Cook the onion, stirring regularly until it is reduced. Add the codfish flakes and stir.

Leave to cook for 2 minutes, add the chopped coriander and set aside.

Place the filling in the centre of the crepes, close in half as if they were tacos or wrap and close with the help of a toothpick. Pour the white sauce on top of the codfish crepes and garnish with some previously soaked goji berries.



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