Fresh tomatoes stuffed with codfish brandade and aubergine
Let’s prepare a recipe of fresh tomatoes stuffed with codfish brandade and aubergine with Riberalves Codfish, Ready to Cook!
1 large eggplant
1 cup of feta cheese
2 minced garlic cloves
Olive oil, q. B.
Salt and pepper
2 lemons
Chopped chives, q.b.
8 large, half-ripe tomatoes
Let’s prepare a recipe of fresh tomatoes stuffed with codfish brandade and aubergine with Riberalves Codfish, Ready to Cook!
Boil the codfish, clean and break into flakes.
Peel the aubergine and cut it into one-centimetre-thick slices. Sprinkle with salt and leave them to rest for 40 to 50 minutes to lose the water. Remove the excess salt and dry with a cloth. Fry the slices in olive oil, let them drain on absorbent paper when golden brown, and cut into small cubes.
Add the codfish, the feta cheese (it is already sold in cubes), some more olive oil, the lemon juice, the chopped garlic, and put it in the blender until it gets chopped (not paste). Add the aubergine, more olive oil and this time let the mixture become a homogeneous paste. Adjust the seasoning.
Open the tomatoes’ lids, peel them off with a spoon and fill them with the mixture. Sprinkle with chopped chives.
The Fresh tomatoes stuffed with codfish brandade are ready